Steve Bannon BEFORE the 2020 Election. Donald Trump - "He's just gonna say he's a winner."

You simply cannot support Donald Trump and the Republican Party if you truly love this country and care about Democracy. You just can't.
Steve Bannon lays out the exact strategy that he and Trump came up with, and, sure enough, that's what Trump did. He knew he lost, but his ego wouldn't let him admit it. He tried to overturn a valid, fair, and accurate election. Trump's own Attorney General, William Barr, and his own Cybersecurity Chief, Christopher Krebs, both said that there was no evidence of fraud. They both told Trump that he lost - legitimately. Trump knew, but perpetuated the Big Lie and got his followers worked up into a rage.
You cannot support Trump and the Republicans who aided and abetted him (most Republican members of the House and Senate, along with some state representatives). They didn't just cross over the line by a little bit, they didn't just inch their toes over the line, they sprinted over it like it wasn't even their. It was Putin-esque. It was how things are done in Russia. It's how things were done in Germany in the early 1930's. That is NOT how we do things in the United States of America. Sometimes your side loses. You learn from it and come back stronger later. That's how the system works.
So as long as the Republicans are still perpetuating the Big Lie and excusing Donald Trump they cannot be given the support of any Americans with a conscience and a sense of ethics. Sometimes your side becomes the bad guys. That's what has happened here. The Republicans hitched their wagon to Trump, and let their fear and hatred of the Democrats turn them into the very thing that they fought so hard against 40 years earlier!
#SteveBannon #Bannon #January6 #January6th #BigLie #TheBigLie #Insurrection #Coup #Sedition #Treason #DonaldTrump #Trump #Maga #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Republican #Republicans #GOP #Democracy #CivilWar

