Stephen The First Martyr- I Was Like a Usher

Фильм және анимация

Hello family,
Greetings in Jesus name.
This message came on 19th January. I am re-posting this message as Lord mentioned that my statements were not honest. He is truth.
However, I was in deep distress, once again, I had been slacking in prayer and I felt guilty with that comes all condemnation of my shortcomings and sins.
I was in adoration with my plight,
I heard a male voice,
At first I was anxious and took reading from Bible promise, however, I felt the voice persisting me to listen to Him.
So I began to write,
He introduced himself as Stephen the first martyr in the first church.
He was a deacon who was chosen to be responsible for daily distribution of food to the widows.
According to Bible Acts chapter 6:8
Now Stephen, a man full of God’s grace and power, performed great wonders and signs among the people.
Dear one,
I am Stephen the first martyr for my faith in God,
I was set up by men who were jealous of me. They were malignant towards me, towards my faith in God,
I was serving the Lord faithfully, my job was to take care of duties in God's household, serving, yes serving. Many people think Stephen was a man of wisdom and Holy Spirit, little they knew, who I am.
I was servant of Lord Jesus Christ, I ditched pulpits when I was called, I was called to serve, I gave up everything my desire to be a preacher. I came into the Lord through miracles manifested in Cana during wedding, I secretly followed God at a distance. I was a coward dear; fear of Jews kept me in believing Jesus wholeheartedly.
I took time to understand who Christ was, I saw the humility of Christ even to His servants, to His Apostles, that baffled me too, how can a master serve his servants?
I witnessed it, and I was drawn too, still there were open gates in my life -fear. I chose to hide first-time because persecution was great. Yes, my dear, I hid because of fear, I was misunderstood by many Christians that I am forsaking Christ, however Lord in His mercy lift me up again to believe in Him, I was called by Apostles, to serve the Lord.
Little I know what was in for me, I was in the congregation of new believers, I prayed for them and directed them to come to Apostles almost my job was like usher, I gained much knowledge about Christ. When I saw Apostles unschooled but proficient in word of God it baffled me, I wanted to know more this great movement going on, that's where I devoted my life in prayer, in seeking God, His mercy came and I was baptized in Holy spirit speaking in tongues, I was delivered from fear and I boldly began to preach the word of God, but Lord has different plans for me, he didn't want me to be preacher but server.
I was called to serve and wait on tables, it was a menial job not in the eyes of God. I was there, where He wanted me to be, He gave me skill, wisdom, patience, and heart to serve to others, I was not preaching I was serving, than how did I attract jealousy, simple i was doing His will. I was transformed.
Dear, devil opposes this mightily, Lord has a great plan, for His ways are mysterious still Lord accomplishes through each one, you may be a beggar, you may be lame, you may be nobody doing menial jobs, still you fulfill the purpose of God,
Lord is exalted through little ones, He is exalted through when you choose His ways, cling to Him, He still fulfills His purpose.
Be alert the enemy comes to you in many ways, still, He is there to protect you
Trust me dear, trust in His plans what He is doing now.
Yes my dear, many are unhappy with what they have, they want to make it better, searching for this and that when Lord wants you to be content ask him help in whatever circumstances you are that you be content and ask his help to do in love.
Thank you dear for listening to my testimony and be encouraged!
That was the end of Stephen testimony.
Family, Be encouraged! Lord is with us.

