Steelmanning Subjective Morality: Is Cannibalism Evil?

This video kicks off a series in which I will ‘steelman’ various frameworks or concepts i find interesting in the philosophical/cultural discourse. The goal is to look at as many trains of thought I can learn sufficiently about, and to present them as objectively as possible, as objectively as i can, from the perspective of someone adhering to them. I’m trying to play the devil’s advocate on all sides (or simply the advocate, i suppose, as some of these i actually believe in). . . . to defend all viewpoints. In addition to simply challenging me to familiarize myself with and approach as many worldviews as objectively and openly as i can , this should lay the groundwork for going slightly more in-depth in future podcast-style discussions I hope to have with guests on this channel.
speaking of which, if you have any thoughts and want to come on the podcast, please let me know!

Пікірлер: 5

  • @Chris_Mw
    @Chris_Mw3 жыл бұрын

    Started with the TENET video too. Loved the video, I love this one too. I find this one mind stimulating. I hope for more of such content, no pressure. Quality over quantity. I am absolutely loving your channel.

  • @JesseTate


    3 жыл бұрын

    Hey Christopher! Thanks so much for the support. I'm just getting started with all this and it really is intimidating how much work it takes (plus I'm working on a novel full time haha!). But comments like this definitely keep me going. There's so much of meaning and story to speak about! Any recommendations or requests would be great. Blessings

  • @magikarpslapper759
    @magikarpslapper7593 жыл бұрын

    Hello! How I got here started with Tenet, and now I'm one of your subscribers. I think the way you think isn't so different to how I think, I think, and so I'd like to ask you a few questions (in listed format because I'm slothful): 1) You mentioned you're a writer; have you got anything you're ready to share? 2) Have you read Blindsight (or anything) by Peter Watts? 3) I'm not qualified in philosophy, but I love it, but sometimes the toll it takes on my brain feels like neuroticism. Have you had similar experiences? 4) Would you consume laboratory grown human flesh? 5) Can we expect more content, because I am greased up and ready to go. Cheers!

  • @JesseTate


    3 жыл бұрын

    Hey Magikarp! Sorry about the delay! It's been a hectic time for me but I will respond later this week when I get a chance. Blessings

  • @JesseTate


    3 жыл бұрын

    Hey @Magikarp Slapper just catching up here. . . . thanks for the comment and again sorry to get back so late. Really glad to hear you subscribed. Thanks for the interest and questions! It's nice to see something so personal here. Let's see if I can answer some . . . . sorry if I ramble on. 1) I am still fairly young, as you can see. Most of my youth I spent reading and writing medieval fantasy, Game of Thrones and Lord of the Rings and that sort of thing. I must have written thousands of pages before I graduated high school, but I was still quite young and, looking back, I now recognize I didn't have the maturity/perspective to publish anything, or even really to start crafting/outlining a story of depth and vision and quality. I think I was partly aware of this; but a lot of this recognition has come in the last five years or so, as I've become much more independent (entering my 'adult' life supposedly) and as I've begun writing professionally. So short answer (I have trouble with those) would be that I do have a lot of material but it really is from a younger age and I wouldn't say it's top quality. Once I left high school I started traveling and freelance writing (ghostwriting and editing) and I haven't done much writing for myself in the last five years or so. Fortunately, I think this process has been incredibly helpful. I've learned a TON as a person and as a writer, and I've discovered other interests (philosophy; politics; language) which inform my writing. I also discovered a love for other genres--meany non-fiction genres but sci-fi as well. I love the philosophical questions it lets us ask. I'm actually considering a video on fantasy vs sci-fi, and how each looks at very similar philosophical questions but how they are slightly different. About a year ago I started researching intensely and I'm now in the process of writing a sci-fi novel which I think will be my first published work. If you enjoy sci-fi, I definitely need beta readers and I would be happy to stay connected! Otherwise, if you have any philosophy you'd recommend reading I would be very much curious to hear. Always trying to find new stuff to add to my (ever-growing) reading list. Anyway! Sorry about the looong answer! Basically I have 800 pages of notes and have JUST started the first few chapters, so I will be looking for beta readers soon. But it's sci-fi. Not philosophy :) 2) Haven't read any of Peter Watts. Too bad I answered this question after the first, because I might've seen he is a sci-fi author! You must like sci-fi as well. I will check him out for sure. Trying to read more sci-fi. I've read tons of fantasy but sci-fi pretty much Asimov, Orson Scott Card, Heinlein, and not much else. 3) This is a great question, and could be a very long conversation. I could write it here but it might be better/more fulfilling to actually have a conversation about it via some other more personal medium? What do you think? The short answer would be yes, I have experienced that. I too am unschooled in philosophy, if we are speaking of formal education and whatnot. I'm also sure I have loads to learn as I continue forward. But I am someone who by nature seems obsessed with finding 'truth,' whatever that may be . . . . and I do place a lot of weight on aligning myself with truth. . . . on how I perform, basically. One of my errors is I tend to base my identity too much on understanding everything. But I also love it! I love the quest for knowledge, truth, and whatever sort of wisdom can be derived from that. I have had several instances where I am particularly stressed or neurotic (good word for it) or even a bit tormented by my lack of knowledge, or by my desire for certainty. I think some of these seasons have been sparked by other, external causes--an unhealthy lifestyle, inconsistent habits, lack of social interaction, and so on. I definitely believe it's possible to be philosophically passionate and not encounter such difficulties. But one factor for me personally HAS definitely been my desire for truth and understanding. So yes. Short answer (long answer) yes! Would you care to tell me a bit more about your experiences? Are we able to message privately via youtube? Pretty new here haha. Or you could try my email, The website isn't live yet but the email is. 4) Hah! Good question. I would have to think about that one. It would basically be genetically human in every detectable way, but would have never been a part of anything conscious. It would match our biological code, but in any other sense would not be human. So the question seems to be: what actually makes us human? What actually comprises us? Obviously it's more than just our meat/flesh. . . . but what is it? Does consciousness COME from somewhere else? It would take a while to unpack. Maybe a potential video??? My gut instinct would be no, but I suppose I'd have to think it through much more thoroughly to be certain that instinct was rational. Good question! Would you? 5) I had a rough couple of months and lost some momentum (that issue of inconsistent habits I mentioned earlier) but yes! I'm trying to get my life into some sort of routine, which involves sacrificing a bit of my novel-writing time and putting more time into youtube. I hope to upload weekly from here on out. I was trying every other day or so for a couple weeks back in December, but got burned out. Also hoping to start a podcast which I might find more relaxing. Thanks so much for the interest and questions! I hope the answers were satisfyingly long but not too long. I hope you are well, and I hope to see a response!