Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds (w. Expanding Fronts) - Boss Nass 5


After a long hiatus, we finally continue this. The Gungans strike back at the Trade Federation, starting with Spinnaker.
Personal Hints:
- Your starting position is pretty crowded, so make a utility trawler to build houses.
- Grey and orange will harrass your base from sea before long, so build a turret near your Shipyard to help fight them off. Also make sure to have anti-air defenses to deal with Greys Fighter and Bomber raids
- On Moderate difficulty and Hard, Orange will wall off the shallows northwest of your base, and trying to stop them will make their land forces retaliate. You're in no position to fight them, so keep military units away until you're ready to push out.
-Be sure to build a light wall to pen in Cyan after you gain the Airbase there. Otherwise, they'll eventually send in workers to harvest resources, meaning you'll have less to work with.
- The Naboo units you can rescue from Orange include three Elite Royal Crusaders. Their shields make them very durable, so don't hesitate to use them in battle against mechs and heavy weapons.
-Be sure to have a strong naval presence by the time you've taken out orange. You'll need Cruisers to take down grey's defenses and transports to ferry your units over the lake.
-Remember, you don't need to wipe out grey to win. Just clear out the monument and the structures around it to safely build the temple.
-Blue has a base on the south edge of the map, but doesn't really do much but provide a distraction for grey at the start, so feel free to ignore them.
-This is the one mission this campaign where you can use Cannons. Take advantage of that.
-More a possibility, there's a small chance Grey might send a transport full of Assault Mechs and Artillery to your base at two possible spots (near Lors, at Orange's outside base, or the woods west of your base. It's hard to counter, so there's no shame in restarting if it happens before you're ready for it.

