Staff Shortage in the Healthcare Sector: Ongoing Issues and Potential Solutions


Presented by Basem Gohar, PhD, MSc, C.Psych
at CROSHCon 2023
This presentation highlights some challenges in healthcare before and during the pandemic that contribute to staff shortages. It outlines some of the psychosocial and organizational antecedents related to staff shortages. Finally, based on several studies, some recommendations are provided to help improve job retention.
Basem is a Laurentian University alumnus and is currently an Assistant Professor at the University of Guelph’s Department of Population Medicine. In addition, he leads the University of Guelph’s Research in Occupational Health & Wellness (UGROHW) Lab. His research focuses on identifying and understanding risk factors in the workplace with an emphasis on mental health. Clinically, he is a registered Clinical Psychologist with the College of Psychologists of Ontario.

