
Prepare yourselves, comrades! Watch as the [FHB], Fighting Honey Badgers, dive headfirst into the chaos and (hopefully) emerge victorious on the battlefield!
About the Game:
Squad is a tactical first-person shooter that emphasizes realistic combat scenarios and strategic planning. Victory hinges on effective team coordination and split-second decision-making.
What You’ll See:
🔹 High-Stakes Combat: Engage in realistic, heart-pounding battles.
🔹 Strategic Maneuvers: Watch our tactical geniuses at work!
🔹 Team Coordination: See the power of communication and teamwork in action.
🔹 Victory and Lessons: Cheer for our wins and learn from our not-so-great moments.
Join the Fighting Honey Badgers:
Want more action? Stay connected and become part of the community by visiting fhb.gg.
Get the Game:
Ready to join the fight? Grab your copy of Squad on Steam: SQUAD on Steam

