South Boundary Road ... Mt Nebo to Scrub Road part 2

This is part of a series of walks on a fire break in D'Aguilar National Park, the South Boundary Road, which runs from the town of Mt Nebo to the dam wall of the Enoggera Reservoir, in the Brisbane suburb of The Gap. The complete walk is 21 kilometres; here broken up into smaller sections.
South Boundary Road
… Mt Nebo to Scrub Road remote bush camp 5.85 kms 2 videos
… Scrub Road camp to Hellhole Break junction 5.67 kms 2 videos
.... Hellhole Break Junction to Hillbrook Road junction 4.03 kms 2 videos
... Hillbrook Road junction to E Break Junction 2.7 kms 1 video
… E Break junction to Enoggera Reservoir dam wall 2.7 kms 1 video
This is the Mt Nebo to Scrub Road remote bush camp walk, part 2. This section is in two parts.
It is possible to exit on Scrub Road to Mt Nebo Road.
The next section (2 parts) is Scrub Road junction to where Hellhole Break joins with South Boundary Road.
