SoT Shorts: Shoreland Plantings

Patrick Goggin works for the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point College of Natural Resources and the University of Wisconsin-Extension Lakes. Patrick works closely with the Wisconsin Lakes Partnership team, collaborating on the development of educational programming and materials for people on lakes. Areas of interest for him include helping lake organizations with their community
goals, sharing lake management tools and resources for aquatic ecosystems, and aiding people in gaining a better understanding and appreciation for the native flora of Wisconsin lakeshores.
Patrick will share the story of change on Wisconsin lakeshores and what those changes have meant for lake health and clean water. He will describe the diversity of life found along lakeshores and what some of the ecosystem services lakeshores provide to the lake system. He will also give examples of what lakeshore property owners and other lake lovers within the watershed can do to help make lake water cleaner and ideas on how to restore habitat.
