Solo Practice Blueprint

Welcome to the first episode of Smart Solo Practice! I'm Greg Mount with Armoury Media, and today we're kicking off our Solo Practice Blueprint series.
In this series, we'll explore the tools and strategies needed to create an effective online presence for your practice. If you're a solo professional looking to launch or level up your private practice, this series is for you.
In this episode, we cover:
- Why you need a website for your solo practice
- Key elements of an effective web presence
- How to get a website that helps your practice grow
Series Goals:
1. Create an elegant and secure website to showcase your expertise.
2. Attract your ideal clients and make it easy for them to work with you.
3. Automate repetitive tasks so you can focus on running your practice.
About Your Host:
I'm Greg Mount, the founder of Armoury Media. We specialize in building secure websites with integrated marketing and practice automation for Canadian professionals in solo private practice. With over two decades of experience in IT and web development, I've worked with numerous clients, from solo healthcare professionals to multinational architecture firms.
Join Us:
Sign up for free at to follow along with the series. And learn how to create an effective online presence for your solo private practice.
