Solar Plexus chakra 528 Hz

Solar Plexus chakra - 528 Hz
The solar plexus chakra, also known as the third chakra or Manipura chakra, is responsible for self-esteem, boundaries, and willpower. Working with the solar plexus chakra helps us unlock deeper levels of authenticity in our lives and develop the confidence to stand in our truth.
It is physically linked to your pancreas which regulates metabolism, and this chakra is associated with the sense of sight. It is where emotional memories are stored, and where your “gut feeling” comes from. It is emotionally associated with self-confidence, happiness and joy.
Trauma and abuse are key contributors to a blocked third chakra. Trauma can come from over-authoritative parents that do not allow their child to express their feelings, ideas, or thoughts. In other cases, a spouse or significant other who gaslights or emotionally abuses their partner can damage the solar plexus.
How to Unblock the Solar Plexus Chakra
1. Look at fire.
2. Surround yourself with the colors yellow and gold.
3. Repeat positive affirmations.
4. Take deep breaths.
5. Try meditation.
6. Work with yellow crystals.
7. Use aromatherapy.
8. Open the chakra with yoga
The stones for the solar plexus chakra are Citrine, Amber, Calcite, Tigers Eye, Pyrite, Yellow Jasper, Yellow Topaz, Agate, Yellow Tourmaline, Lemon Quartz, and Sunstone. They help to clear out blockages from the solar plexus and bring strength, determination, and self-esteem.
