Sociological Theory: Skeleton Key 3 to Hannah Arendt's Origins of Totalitarianism [© Dan Krier]

This recording walks page by page and concept by concept through the first three chapters of Imperialism. It begins with the Scramble for Africa and imperialism as a mechanism to forestall and manage capitalist crises, and ends with a consideration of South Africa (the Boers, the diamond and gold rush, the boomerang effect on European politics).
For a visual road map to the argument of Arendt's book, see this image summarizing Origins of Totalitarianism: • Sociological Theory: S...
Here is a link to an article I wrote with Kevin Amidon critiquing the account of German Imperialism contained in Klaus Theweleit's Male Fantasies 1 & 2:
[© Dan Krier]

