So Fucking Tired (V3)

So fucking tired of this roller coaster ride.
Fucking tired of losing people.
Always wondering why.
Fucking tired of this constant battle between what I want and what I need.
Tired of waiting for life to get a little easier.
Wondering if this is just a passing phase or if it’s gonna be the rest of my life.
So fucking tired of always wanting more.
Always being the one to put myself in someone else’s shoes, but no one trying to fit their feet in MINE.
Holding in my feelings just to avoid a fight.
Wondering if I’m asking for too much, or if they just don’t care enough to go out of their way.
So fucking tired of living for something I won’t fully ever have or truly even find.
Letting time pass me by wondering what happens when we die as I dwell on how little time we have in this one life.
Tired of the grass looking greener on the other side.
Just to find out it was a waste of time.
Tired of it being the“right person, wrong time”.
So fucking tired of lessons.
Tired of being wrong, even more tired of being right.
Always putting other people’s needs above mine.
So fucking tired of holding back.
Sick of “dealing” with it because I won’t be understood anyway.
Tired of just barely keeping my head above water, fighting for every single fucking thing that I want or need.
Tired of comparing myself to others.
And the inconsistency.
Tired of keeping my frustrations to myself.
But then FINALLY speaking up, just to have it backfire and be gaslighted into invalidity.
So fucking tired of medicating, feeling empty, and then pretending.
Lack of interest.
Lack of desire.
Being stuck.
Hardly sleeping.
Hardly eating.
Tired of not being listened to.
Repeating myself.
Not being taken seriously.
So fucking tired of overthinking.
Tired of spiraling.
Tired of feeling stupid.
Just fucking tired of everything.
So fucking tired.
But that’s just life, right?
