Smoked Pork Ribs - 321 vs Unwrapped: The Ultimate Showdown

Hey Smokers, and welcome to my post where I will wade head first into the 321 pork ribs vs unwrapped debate. As you may or may not know, this site is all about cooking on my Traeger Pro Series 22 Pellet Smoker and seeing where we can take things.
Now, as an avid smoker of all things meaty and otherwise on my pellet smoker, I have always followed the 3-2-1 method of cooking for my pork ribs. It is simple, and provides me with fall off the bone ribs every time. However, I have often watched with interest the passionate arguments on social media as to whether this is the best method.
So, in the interests of experimentation, and the fact that at the end I will get to eat some ribs, I have decided to run them side by side and see what happens…
#Traegersmokedribs #321ribsvsunwrapped #smokedporkribs #TraegerProSeries22 #PelletGrillReview #TraegerGrills #WoodPelletGrill #BBQSmokers, #GrillingTips #SmokedMeats #OutdoorCooking #BBQSeason #TraegerCooking #smokeandpellets
