Slucaj Danka Ilic - monstruozno i nelogicno...

Ovo je jedna od mnogih TV emisija/priloga u kojima se pricalo o detaljima slucaja koji se pre oko dve nedelje desio u Borskoj Banji. Monstruoznost navedenog slucaja, bar po informacijama koje je u javnost pustila policija, i brojni nelogicni i nejasni detalji doveli su do toga da se u javnosti danima stvaraju brojne teorije o slucaju. Za razliku od vecine drugih emisija ova nije postavljena na youtube niti na druge portale pa je ovde postavljena kako bi se sacuvala od zaborava. U ovom razgovoru, kao i u brojnim drugim, sagovornici nastoje da objasne neobjasnjivo i da pokusaju da razumeju ono sto je nemoguce razumeti...
Iako bi tragicna smrt male Danke trebala biti i ostati prioritet u navedenom slucaju - gomila informacija, nelogicnosti, nedovoljno potkrepljenih teorija i sl. dovele su do toga da je sustina ovog slucaja postala misterija koja ga obavija... Nazalost.
This is one of the many TV shows/apps that talked about the details of the case that happened about two weeks ago in Borska Banja. The monstrosity of the mentioned case, at least according to the information released to the public by the police, and numerous illogical and unclear details led to the creation of numerous theories about the case in the public for days. Unlike most other shows, this one was not posted on KZread or other portals, so it was posted here to save it from being forgotten. In this conversation, as in many others, the interlocutors try to explain the inexplicable and to try to understand what is impossible to understand...
Although the tragic death of little Danka should be and remain a priority in the aforementioned case - a bunch of information, illogicality, insufficiently substantiated theories, etc. have led to the fact that the essence of this case has become a mystery that surrounds it... Unfortunately.

