[Sleep music] Music that promotes autonomic nervous recovery with natural sounds / Meditation


[About the song]
Thank you for watching.
This song has been remixed using binaural beats to promote relaxation and sleep-inducing effects. The soothing sounds of nature, such as the gentle whisper of leaves or the melodious chirping of birds, help maintain normal mental and breathing conditions. We would be happy if we could support your healthy lifestyle even a little.
Feel the tension of the day melt away with the immersive feeling of actually being in the forest. Calm your emotions, surrender to the tranquility, and fall into a peaceful sleep.
*Binaural beat is an auditory phenomenon in which when the left and right ears hear sounds with slightly different frequencies, the brain attempts to synthesize the two sounds and perceives a low-frequency signal. It is believed that it has relaxing and meditative effects, and can be expected to improve concentration and deep sleep.
#Sleep BGM #Natural sounds #Music that adjusts the autonomic nervous system #Concentration BGM #Ambience music #Meditation music #Concentration BGM #Work BGM #Mystical #Healing music #Relaxation #Relaxation music #Binaural beat #Frequency #Health # Sleep music #Yoga #Mental stability #Healing #Brain waves #Comforting music #Before bed #Songs to listen to before bed #Mind unification #Ambient #Meditation #Parasympathetic nervous system #Birdsong #River sound #River murmur
[About this channel]
Thank you very much for visiting our channel from among the many healing channels.
This channel produces videos of soothing sounds such as healing, meditation, environmental music, and sleep-inducing music. If you like it, please subscribe to the channel and give us a high rating.
I would be happy if I could provide deep peace and the comfort of sound to everyone who visits this channel.
[About copyright]
The music on this channel is completely original work created by the owner of this channel.
Reproduction without permission is prohibited.
Also, the illustrations in the video are images generated by Midjourney.

