Skull And Bones Review - A Massive Disappointment

After years of delays, reported reboots, controversies and numerous studio departures, Skull and Bones is here. As a $70 "quadruple-A" live service title, it's all about sailing around during the Golden Age of Piracy and making a name for yourself.
Unfortunately, you're one of many other Kingpins in this forgettable story, with most of your tasks revolving around delivering items and destroying other ships. While the combat and sailing are decent, the gameplay gets repetitive quickly due to a lack of variety, unimaginative objectives and tedious back and forth, and that's before the end game.
When the best thing you can say is "not a complete mess," you know there are fundamental problems.

Пікірлер: 737

  • @ofwje

    it’s 2024 and black flag still solos

  • @robertbarger6439

    11 years for this and assassin creed black flag is still a better game than this 🗑

  • @hpharold23

    Skulls and Bones is made for investors, not for Gamers. The game mechanics is as much you'd expect from mobile games. With atrocious MTXs and Pre-orders designed to milk a sinking ship. The team clearly has talent, but it was steered off into an iceberg by the creative directors. Shame,

  • @Cazineer

    Fair review but has misinformation on core game mechanics. When collecting pieces of 8 from your manufacturing facilities, you don't PVP. No one is going to sink your ship. Once every 24 hours you'll get an offer to enter a PVP event to double the 8 in your cargo hold by racing to an outpost while other players can take you out. You can simply decline this. You also don't have to PVP to claim manufacturing facilities. There is a PVE option to claim them all, albeit a little slower. You can play S&B and never have to PVP if you don't want to.

  • @SlavaUkraini85

    Those women screaming around on a pirate ship completely kills the immersion for me

  • @ThaWarcheif

    So this gets a 5 and Starfield gets a 10... I will give your review skills a 1 of 10. That game where in development in 8 years and your NPCs can't even look at you....😂🤷‍♂️

  • @DeadPhoenix86DP

    This game should have been cancelled. They're basically beating a dead horse while its already down.

  • @Hermitts

    They just needed to do black flag meets sea of thieves and it would’ve been a commercial success, But what we got is a half baked world of ships.

  • @nathancohen5748

    The lot of you do realize that this isn't on the devs for how it was delivered. Sure the game is not in an ideal state for launched games but the fact they tried their best under the circumstances they were under, it is best to view this games state as a foundation to apply better polish, new ships, expanding the map and offering new ways to enjoy the open world and it's content. And lets be frank this game was obligated to be released. Give the development team a break.

  • @bartu4818

    I think i'm the only one here that actually has a great time playing it😅

  • @TacTar

    Ubisoft and disappointment are like bread to butter

  • @Supadrumma441

    "Gameplay loop that gets tedious within an hour of play"

  • @Lasheem

    Should’ve been a free to play game

  • @DrZord94

    Its so jarring to see cannonballs shoot out at 45° angles 😂

  • @Kusakabe9029

    The funny thing is Ubisoft chase these live service games to get big bucks that they see others make, but in doing so they spend millions and millions only to bring out boring slogs of titles that get bombed on and yet they seem to not realise that if they just made great single player games again without the live service or tactics that are in to keep people playing over and over they would make so much more money than Skull and bores is going to make

  • @michaelboys2602

    So… your ship has a stamina bar… GOOD LORD 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • @ArnoldJudasRimmer..

    Sailing around Skellige, from treasure to treasure was more exciting then this game...

  • @MortalFrenemies

    Red dead redemption 2 took 8 years to make and there are details that even veteran players are still finding out yet this crap took 11 YEARS!!!!!

  • @DeadSpaceMartyr90

    Amazed this even came out.

  • @vangboi05

    It’s not surprising. That’s been the trend lately. Years in development, underperforms upon release.