Six Minutes in the Rain


'Six Minutes in the Rain' by Joey Eng
(May 2019)
This is a piece that I wrote while I was experiencing immense change in many aspects of my life and was struggling to find a stable footing amongst it. Rain can represent many things, and often has connotations of sadness and lamentation. However, rain also brings about change and growth, and I find it to be a very relaxing and calming aspect of life. Hence, this piece is about embracing the changes in life, as although at times it may be somewhat bittersweet and there are storms or hardships along the way, this change will bring with it new growth that will hopefully be fruitful.
This piece was premiered by WAAPA's Defying Gravity Percussion Ensemble in September 2019, however the work was initially written with a more orchestral instrumentation.
Composed in Logic Pro X using the in-built default sound library.

