Sir Robert Martin at the United Nations

Sir Robert is currently serving as a member of the United Nations Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities for the 2017-2020 term. His advocacy, leadership, wisdom and courage has made him a valuable member of the Committee. Sir Robert, with his lived experience of institutionalisation and as a person with a learning disability brings an important and unique perspective to the Committee. When Minister Carmel Sepuloni spoke at the United Nations in June 2019 there was loud applause when she said the New Zealand Government was supporting Robert Martin’s re-election to the Committee.
COVID 19 meant the election could not happen in June 2020, we now know the election will be held at the United Nations on November 30 (New York time) December 1 (New Zealand time).
We believe Sir Robert has achieved great things and should be re-elected, so we’re throwing our support behind him.
In January 2020 the New Zealand Government announced Sir Robert’s knighthood in recognition of his lifetime of advocacy in New Zealand, and his leadership for the rights of persons with disability, including his important role many years ago in the development of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, and the influential role on the United Nations Committee.
Go Sir Robert!
