Simone De La Rue: Building and Evolving with Body by Simone

Simone De La Rue, the founder of Body by Simone, shares her journey from being a Broadway dancer to becoming a fitness entrepreneur. She discusses her international upbringing, her transition to the fitness industry, and the challenges she faced in building her brand. Simone also talks about the importance of adapting her workouts to cater to women in perimenopause and menopause. She emphasizes the need for authenticity, creating an ego-free environment, and the power of movement as a form of therapy. Simone reflects on the impact of social media on mental health and the importance of being present in the moment. She also discusses the balancing act of being a single mother and a business owner. Simone shares her thoughts on what's next for her and the importance of having faith and doing the work.
Simone De La Rue's journey from being a Broadway dancer to a fitness entrepreneur is a testament to following one's passion and taking control of one's destiny.
Adapting workouts to cater to women in perimenopause and menopause is crucial for addressing their changing needs and promoting overall well-being.
Creating an ego-free environment and fostering authenticity are key to building a safe and loving community in the fitness industry.
Movement can be a powerful form of therapy, helping to release trauma and improve mental and physical health.
Being present in the moment, having faith, and doing the work are essential for navigating challenges and finding fulfillment in life.
00:00 Introduction and Background
03:08 Transitioning to the Fitness Industry
08:07 Building Body by Simone and the Impact of COVID-19
13:11 Creating an Ego-Free Environment and the Power of Movement
24:52 Balancing Motherhood and Business Ownership
29:55 Finding Fulfillment in the Present Moment and What's Next
