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Simon Lilley | Bowls Maker of the Year 2023

We speak with Simon Lilley, from Royal Mail Cart BC in Lincolnshire, who was awarded the Bowls Maker of the Year award at our third annual Awards!
Simon volunteered to help with the pre-Aviva National Finals admin work which included successfully updating the online competition portal with all the player information. Simon ran the competitions desk on many occasions during the Aviva National Finals and produced MC sheets and live scoring documents.
Outside of the National Finals, Simon is the competition secretary of Lincolnshire and is also a member of the Competition Working Group. He puts a lot of time and effort into the game throughout the season for his county and Bowls England. He is also a great supporter of Bowls Bash and has signed up two clubs, including his own, to become Bowls Bash Accredited Clubs. He is always looking for ways to grow and develop the game and is willing to spend his own time to do this.
