Simon Leudtke - 9th Annual Native American TV Writers Lab - Video Testimonial


"Attention, Native storytellers! The final curtain call for the 9th Annual Native American TV Writers Lab is HERE!
March 1st is the final deadline to submit your application and join this incredible program designed to amplify Native voices and reshape the television landscape.
But don't just take my word for it! Watch this inspiring video from former lab alumni Simon Leudtke! He'll tell you how the Lab ignited their career and empowered them to share their unique stories with the world. ✨
Ready to join? Head over to and submit your application before March 1st! Don't miss your chance to be part of this transformative journey.
#NativeTVWritersLab #OwnYourStory #RepresentationMatters
P.S. Share this post and tag your fellow Native writers! Let's flood the Lab with diverse voices and groundbreaking stories. ️
Remember, your stories deserve to be heard. Go out there and make your mark! ✊
P.P.S. Don't forget to check out the Lab's website for more information about the program, eligibility requirements, and application tips. The future of television awaits! ➡️
We believe in you and your stories! Go get 'em!"

