SimCity BuildIt Season 2 Episode 10

Here’s another Episode of what’s been happening around the city. At the moment we are about to complete the Green Valley Zone in a few more months. The mayors tasks have been spilling over to Cactus Valley. Over in this region the Mayor has established the Church as the central piece for this area because the fitting seems to be suitable to the location. Platinum key buildings almost surround this piece of a gem to enhance the richness of this beauty.
Further more the Green Valley Zone is wrapped around the entire utilities sector to highlight the importance of all utilities. Then inside Green Valley are residential homes then another layer after that. If you look closely you’ll see that there is a small underdeveloped patch that has French and English building there. Another building theme is going to go there however this area is still undecided. This is why it has that look. The Omega Island has four unknown open patches with no answer insight.
Okay our club goes to war every weekend to see if were able to gain platinum keys. So if you’re looking for decent club to join then consider this. Search for the club tag, #BDNPMH
That is all for now thanks so much for watching ‪@EAMobileGames‬

