Silat Demonstration with music Pak Tama (Demonstrasi Silat dengan iringan gamelan)

Recorded 2012 Aug 20
This is a recording in which several gamelan musicians tried to reconstruct and perform the music that was used to be common for silat performance in Bali. The silat performer is Pak Wayan Tama, from Singapadu, Gianyar, Bali, Indonesia, who is also an established gamelan drummer. We learned this characteristic rhythmic patterns from him. Although he refused at first because he had already retired from silat for years at that time and felt too old to demonstrate, finally we persuaded him to show how the music and body movements elegantly interact with each other.
Silat: Pak Tama
Gamelan: Buda, Yande, Dewaaji, Mariana, Sudirga, Mardika, Ako, Shiroshima, Ai
