Sick Game: AI with Debug Info Showcase

A showcase of an upcoming game showing side by side debug information as well as game view. Everything is WIP. The debug information shown are:
- An Enviornment Query System (EQS) system to determine the best tile for a mob to pathfind to
- Line of Sight system to check if the target is in sight
- Predictive aiming which predicts where the target will be and shoot direct projectiles there
- Proximity movement, detects nearby obstacles and applies functions to movement vectors to get more interesting movement (rather than direct)
- Decision Trees showing the actions in queue and their time before they are concidered too old. As well as the action currently being carried out
All systems are designed and programmed by me. They are designed to be scalable and highly customisable allowing for future actions, decisions, EQS rules, abilities, and more to be added seemlessly into the system.
