睡眠導入 仲良しの猫と犬 6 リラックスミュージック Friendly a cat and a dog are sleeping together peacefully. Relaxation


睡眠前に音楽を聴くことは、リラックスを促し良質な睡眠につながるとされています。特に効果的なのは、自然音やクラシック音楽、歌詞のない音楽、そしてリズムが単調でスローテンポの音楽です。これらは脳をリラックスさせ、安眠へと導くα波を誘発する効果があるため、眠りを深めることが期待できます​ 。このような音楽を厳選してみました。
A cat and a dog are sleeping together peacefully. From the window, the sky quietly marks time, with occasional shooting stars. Listening to music before sleep is believed to promote relaxation and lead to better sleep quality. Particularly effective are sounds of nature, classical music, music without lyrics, and music with monotonous rhythms at a slow tempo. Such music can relax the brain and induce alpha waves, which help deepen sleep.
Darkening the room and repeating similar rhythmic music can also enhance sleep quality. Give it a try.I t is said that sleeping deeply for about three hours after falling asleep and then dozing off for about four hours while listening to music like this in bed is enough to relieve fatigue. You don't need to worry if you can't sleep. Just relax and rest your body until morning while enjoying the music in bed.

