Should FromSoftware Include An Easy Mode? If You Say No, You're An Elitist


When it comes to gatekeeping with video games, FromSoftware's fans do it like no other with the Dark Souls, Bloodborne and Sekiro games.They want people to know they beat a game and if you didn't, you're a lesser than them. You spent hours on something. If you didn't do it on your first try, you can't boast.
There are dozens of gaming studios and companies who make it a priority to make sure their games are accessible to anyone in many different forms. Why? Not because of inclusiveness, but because art is meant to be enjoyed by all people... and when you perpetuate and encourage the idea of that it is reserved to a specific group, you only admonish possible new fans to stay away from your games. And to me, you only encourage your fanbase(which has been proven to be the case) to have a toxic mentality. And by the way, Ronda Rousey is hot.
#sekiroeasymode #fromsoftware #thedivision2

Пікірлер: 10

  • @YourHeroJames
    @YourHeroJames5 жыл бұрын

    After making this video, the sales of Sekiro were released and they were 2 million copies sold. And for some of you, you may see that as a success, but before your argument is even made... Bloodborne sold 1 million on launch, and it wasn't until September 2015 did it hit 2 million copies sold. And as of the end of 2017, it sold 2.92 million total. So it went from 1 million in a week, to 2 million in 6 months, to 2.92 million total in a little under 3 years. All Dark Souls games follow this same pattern: many on launch, next to none after. I'd be sure to refrain from calling it a success. Don't be surprised when everyone who wanted this game bought it on launch and the sales come to a standstill. Cause game-over-game, the point still stands that these games either match what the previous sold or sold less. I mean, Sekiro dropped down to number 5 this week in the gaming charts, so the timing of stating the units sold by Activison and the weird 10 day time period, seems rather conspicuous considering it's been out 3 weeks. But maybe the sales are faultering that much.

  • @iamthegamer908


    5 жыл бұрын

    There is no gatekeeping you idiot any one using cheats on games because you are fucking casuals and shitty players is no fucking excuse of easy mode you fucking morons! Disabled quadriplegic shows why Sekiro doesn't need an easy mode … shut your casual mouth!

  • @YourHeroJames


    5 жыл бұрын

    ​@@iamthegamer908 No gatekeeping? LOL. You just got triggered so much that every gun in America ran away to hide in a closet because they're laughing uncontrollably.. like someone just insulted every breath you ever took and revoked your whole gaming life. That is priceless. Can I frame this comment? I'm 100% keeping it in case you ever decide to delete it. You proved my point within the first sentence of the video and even later on that these types of games breed nothing but toxicity. I'm 2/2 so far. Secondly, using a disabled person to argue a point... when, at no time whatsoever, did I ever use that argument proves how shitty of a person you are. If I used that point, bring it up. But that is not even close to any argument I used. You're 0/1. And 3rd, swing and a miss! I game from around 8 AM to 5 PM. So... what's your definition of a casual gamer? And your videos - you play Horizon: Zero Dawn on the hardest difficulty, but not The Last of Us? You play that on Normal. If you never beat The Last of Us on Grounded+ mode, you're a casual. HZD on Ultra Hard is like normal in most games. LMAO. See how gatekeeping works. How I did it, is exactly how you do it. Except you're oblivious. You're now 0/2. Each thing you've said has been struck down harder than the dinosaurs millions of years ago. YourHeroJames - 3 I WAS the gamer - 0

  • @YourHeroJames


    5 жыл бұрын

    ​@@iamthegamer908 Bro, you just keep proving my point. Toxicity. Rite of passage. All proving everything I said that type of gamer is. Just because you can beat an AI after dying and trying over and over again doesn't make you good. If anything, it shows you're bad and only after failing countlessly, do you get better. Thus proving, anyone can do what you do with trial and error. Just a lot choose not to waste their time. And again, Jesus... The Last of Us thing was sarcasm proving your gatekeeping point and you just reinforced it... further proving mine.

  • @nafisarman7578
    @nafisarman75785 жыл бұрын

    This literally does not make any sense. I played an hour of bloodborne, saw it wasn't for me and moved on to other games. The fact that a game needs to be anything other than what the developers and fans want it to be is completely unreasonable. From software knows their fanbase, knows what they want, and yes maybe they are of an elitist mindset but what does that matter to you? Why should they have to cater to everyone's wishes instead of their core fanbase? They know what the sales will be on a game like this without your input but that's okay with them. I have friends who love the soulsborne games and others like me who haven't played them, who know its not for us but I don't see them throwing hissyfits. By your logic that an easy mode would not matter to the hardcore players we could also say that Aloy from HZD should have been customizable for gender instead of the developers forcing everyone to experience what they want. But the simple thing is its the developers right to do as they will because its their IP.They know who they want to cater for and its not the mainstream and they are completely within their rights to do so. simple AS THAT!! Again I have never played any of the games except an hour of bloodborne so I'm not a fanboy but I respect the players who want a certain experience and a developer willing to give that certain experience

  • @YourHeroJames


    5 жыл бұрын

    Your argument is flawed. "Why should they cater to everyone's wishes?" This would be the equivalent to me saying, since I'm great at shooters... the next Uncharted game should have nothing but Crushing difficulty. Screw anyone who can't aim at an area and already be locked on their head before zooming in and can't figure out how to survive three bullet hits. The Division should be Challenge and Heroic difficulty only.. anyone who can't think quickly and land constant headshots and adjust their positioning on the fly shouldn't touch this game. Halo should be 100% only Legendary. Because if your skill isn't legendary, neither are you. Oh, wait... I actually want people to enjoy games. I don't vehemently oppose the idea of having difficulties catered to your personal skill level. Because if every game was that way gaming wouldn't be as popular as it today. There's a reason gaming was so taboo in the 90's. A lot game back then were very hard and not many wanted to play them. The more accessible they've become, the more popular gaming has become. The more great games we've gotten. If you want to feel entitled that you'd get a special game made for you. By all means, do. And honestly, I couldn't care less if there's an easy mode, I made this video to be the voice of those who may enjoy the concept but can't play them and worry that their opinion may not be heard. Your Aloy reference is just... wrong. And if you played the game and actually thought having a dude experience that same journey would have the same impact, then I don't know what to say. This from someone who thinks HZD is the best new franchise this generation. Imagine a grown man going on a search for their mom and origins. That same story line was laughed at in the Fallout series with their father. A daughter connects better to a mother and that's why Aloy, being a woman was chosen. Not to mention she was around Rost her whole life. She essentially had a father, so she she wanted to find her true mother. And stop reading now if you've not played Horizon Zero Dawn cause it's a spoiler: the biggest reason Aloy was a woman wasn't because they wanted her to be... Aloy was a clone. Kind of hard to have that same story with a dude when the scientist was a woman.

  • @Megaphy
    @Megaphy5 жыл бұрын

    I'm a girl and I beat this game. Stop complaining. You're not my hero.

  • @YourHeroJames


    5 жыл бұрын

    Your comment literally translates to: "women are inferior." Which, honestly, gives full validity to the type of mindset and personality a typical player of these games would have. Belittle yourself and beat the game, so you can try to belittle others? Right. I guess the elitist Soulsborne players are like vegans, right? How do you spot one? "Git Gud. I beat this game." Or simply put: they'll tell you.

  • @TheEnigmaProductions


    4 жыл бұрын

    What does you being a girl have anything to do with this video?
