Shelly Cashman Word 2019 | Module 6: SAM Project 1a

Shelly Cashman Word 2019 | Module 6: SAM Project 1a #shellycashman #module6 #samproject1a
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1. As an administrative assistant in the Dean of Students office at Escalante State College, you are preparing a form letter to send to enrolled students, welcoming them to the college. To use the standard format for letters, change the page orientation to Portrait.
Change the orientation.
2. Convert the five paragraphs in the middle of the letter section beginning "College Advisor…" and ending "…Allison Hamal" into a table as follows: a. Use tabs to separate the columns. b. Use a fixed column width. c. Apply the Grid Table 2-Accent 2 table style.
Convert text to a table.
Resize table columns.
Apply a table style.
3. To set up the document as a form letter, start the Step-by-Step Mail Merge Wizard, accept Letters as the document type, and then choose to use the current document as the starting document. Choose to create a new recipient list, and then customize the columns in the recipient list as follows: a. Customize the columns by deleting the Company Name, Country or Region, Work Phone, and E-mail Address fields. b. Rename the ZIP Code field using Postal Code as the new field name. c. Rename the Home Phone field using Cell Phone as the new field name. d. Add a new field to the end of the address list using Session as the field name.
Select the document type for a mail merge.
4. Enter the address information for the two recipients as shown in Table 1, and then save the data source using a name of your choice.
Enter a recipient address.
5. Continue to Step 4 in the Mail Merge Wizard, and then use the Date content control with the "CLICK HERE TO SELECT A DATE" placeholder text to select the date June 11, 2021.
Use a Date content control.
6. Insert the inside address as follows: a. Select the placeholder text "INSERT INSIDE ADDRESS", and then insert an AddressBlock merge field using the Mr. Joshua Randall Jr. format. b. Delete the placeholder text.
Insert the AddressBlock merge field.
7. Insert the greeting line as follows: a. Select the placeholder text "INSERT GREETING LINE", and then insert a GreetingLine merge field using the Dear Joshua: format. b. Delete the placeholder text.
Insert the GreetingLine merge field.
8. In the last paragraph in the body of the letter, select the "[SESSION]" placeholder text, and then insert a Session merge field to include the month the student is scheduled to attend an orientation session.
Insert the Session merge field.
9. Continue to Step 5 of the Mail Merge wizard, and then edit the recipient list to filter the data records to select only recipients where the Session field is equal to July to prepare the first batch of letters for students attending the July session.
Filter records in a recipient list.
10. Complete the mail merge as instructed below. You will merge to a new document and then copy the contents of the merged file to the end of your original document, so that your entire assignment appears in the same file. a. Continue to Step 6 of the Mail Merge wizard, and then merge all records to a new document. b. In the new document containing the merged form letters, press CTRL+A to select all contents in the document, and then copy the selected text to the Office Clipboard. c. In the original form letter document, move the insertion point to the blank paragraph at the top of page 2, and then paste the merged form letter into the main document. d. Verify that the pasted merged form letters appear only on page 2 of the original form letter document. e. Delete the page break and the Next Page section break at the bottom of page 2 to make the document two pages long. f. Turn off the preview of the mail merge results and save the original form letter document. g. Close the new, merged document without saving it.
Copy and paste a merged letter into your SAM Project file.
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