Shelly Cashman Word 2019 | Module 4: End of Module Project 1

Shelly Cashman Word 2019 | Module 4: End of Module Project 1 #shellycashman #module4 #eomproject1
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1. You are the manager of a Cadet Bank branch in Middleton, Wisconsin, and are creating a draft of a sales proposal describing the bank's digital banking services. Expand the character spacing of the "Digital Banking" text by 1 point to make the title more distinctive.
Change the character spacing.
2. Delete the page break and the extra paragraph mark at the bottom of Page 1 so that the "Online Banking" heading appears directly after the picture.
Delete a page break.
3. Format the text "all-day access" in small caps to match the formatting of the other list items on the page.
Change the font case.
4. Change the bullet character in the list on Page 1 to a picture using the file Support_WD19_EOM4-1_Checkmark.png to coordinate with the other lists in the document.
Use a picture bullet.
5. On Page 2, increase the indent of the four list items beginning "Touch ID" and ending "Device registration" by one level. Decrease the indent of the "Text banking" list item by one level to apply a more logical organization to the list.
Change the paragraph indentation.
Change the paragraph indentation.
Change the paragraph indentation.
Change the paragraph indentation.
Change the paragraph indentation.
6. Apply the color Ice Blue, Accent 1, Darker 50% to the bullets for second-level list items in the "Mobile Banking" section to add visual appeal to the list. [Mac Hint: 5th Column, 6th Row in the Mac Theme Colors palette.]
Change the color of bullets.
7. Apply a right indent of 0.5" to the list in the "Mobile Banking" section to use the same formatting as in the list on Page 1.
Change the paragraph indentation.
8. Format the list in the "Sign Up" section (beginning "Online Banking" and ending "Follow the prompts to start banking.") as a multilevel list using the 1., a., i. numbering format.
Format paragraphs as a list.
9. Apply a left indent of 0.5" to the paragraph beginning "The next time you want…" and ending "access your accounts." to align the paragraph with the first-level text in the list above the paragraph.
Change the paragraph indentation.
10. On Page 3, sort the bulleted paragraphs in the "Questions?" section in ascending order to make it easier for readers to find information.
Sort paragraphs.
11. Change the color of the page numbers to Ice Blue, Accent 1, Darker 50% to match the color of other elements in the document. [Mac Hint: 5th Column, 6th Row in the Mac Theme Colors palette.]
Change the font color.
12. Add the Draft 1 text watermark to the document to clarify you are creating a draft for review. [Mac Hint: Insert a Text watermark using the Draft option. Change the Transparency to 50% and the Orientation to Diagonal.]
Insert a watermark.
13. Insert the Slice (Dark) cover page to add professional polish to the document. Use Digital Banking Services as the document title. Use Cadet Bank as the document subtitle.
Insert a cover page.
Enter text in the title content control.
Enter text in the subtitle content control.
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