Shelly Cashman Word 2019 | Module 3: SAM Project 1a

Shelly Cashman Word 2019 | Module 3: SAM Project 1a #shellycashman #module3 #samproject1a
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1. As an event coordinator at Advantia Biotech, you are drafting a cover letter and information sheet about an upcoming biotechnology conference for your manager, Keisha Ballantyne. Insert the missing letterhead picture for the cover letter as follows: a. Copy the letterhead picture from the document Support_WD19_3a_Letterhead.docx. b. Paste the picture in the first blank paragraph at the top of the letter while keeping source formatting to preserve the original design of the letterhead.
Copy and paste a picture from a file.
2. In the blank paragraph below the letterhead picture, insert the current date using the May 5, 2021 format.
Insert the date.
3. On page 2, format the picture of the Advantia Biotech logo as follows to correct its placement: a. Rotate the picture to the left 90 degrees so that the logo text is horizontal. b. Change the position of the picture to Position in Top Right with Square Text Wrapping.
Rotate a picture.
Position a picture.
4. Use the Format Painter to copy the formatting from the paragraph "Seventh Annual Conference on" to the paragraph "Hosted by Advantia Biotech" to draw attention to the host company.
Use the Format Painter.
5. Select the text "[insert bullet]" in the paragraph "May 10-12, 2021 [insert bullet] Dallas, TX" and then insert the filled circle symbol (Symbol 183) from the Symbol gallery to separate the date from the location.
Enter a symbol.
6. Change the font size of the paragraph "Conference Highlights" to 16 point to match the font size of other main topic headings.
Change the font size.
7. Clear the formatting from the paragraph "The Innovations in Biotechnology…research and application." to remove the distracting formats.
Clear formatting.
8. Format the picture of the conference attendees as follows to improve the clarity of the picture and add alt text for screen readers: a. Apply the Brightness: +40% Contrast: +20% correction. b. Add the following alt text description to the picture: People attending the 2020 conference
Adjust the brightness and contrast of a picture.
Add alt text to a picture.
9. On page 3, add SmartArt as follows in the blank paragraph after the "Conference Programs" heading to describe the four tracks of programs: a. Insert the Basic Matrix SmartArt from the Matrix section of the SmartArt gallery. b. In the upper-left shape, type 1 and press ENTER, and then type Testing as the track description. c. In the upper-right shape, type 2 and press ENTER, and then type Material as the track description. d. In the lower-left shape, type 3 and press ENTER, and then type Medical as the track description. e. In the lower-right shape, type 4 and press ENTER, and then type Energy as the track description.
Insert SmartArt.
Enter text in the upper-left SmartArt shape.
Enter text in the upper-right SmartArt shape.
Enter text in the lower-left SmartArt shape.
Enter text in the lower-right SmartArt shape.
10. Format the SmartArt as follows to make it more attractive: a. Change the colors to Gradient Range-Accent 1. b. Change the SmartArt style to Subtle Effect.
Change the SmartArt colors.
Change the SmartArt style.
11. Set a tab stop at 6" with the Right alignment and Leader option 2 (the dotted leader) for the paragraph "Days 1 and 2 May 10 & 11" to match the formatting of the program description line for Day 3.
Set a tab stop.
The paragraph beginning "Days 1 and 2..." should be formatted using a 6" tab stop with Right alignment and Leader option 2.
12. Complete the table for Days 1 and 2 and format it as follows to be consistent with the table for Day 3: a. Insert a row at the end of the table. b. In the new row, enter the data shown in Figure 1. c. Apply the Grid Table 4-Accent 1 table style to the table.
Add a row to a table.
Enter text in table cell A9.
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