Shelly Cashman Word 2019 | Module 11: SAM Project 1a

Shelly Cashman Word 2019 | Module 11: SAM Project 1a #shellycashman #module11 #samproject1a
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1. You are a planner in the City of Overby Planning Department. The department is organizing a meeting on its transportation improvement plan and is inviting people to register using an online form. You are improving the appearance and usefulness of the form by applying styles and using macros to automate tasks. The department head saved a few steps by using a macro to change the paper size of all department forms. To change to the new custom size the department uses, edit and run the macro as follows: a. Unprotect the document so that you can edit it. b. Edit the FormSize macro in the Visual Basic Editor. c. Change the PageWidth value to 8.5 to set the new width. d. Change the PageHeight value to 5.5 to set the new height. e. Save the revised macro and exit the Visual Basic Editor. f. Run the FormSize macro to change the size of the form.
Unprotect a document.
Edit and run a macro.
The document should be 8.5" wide and 5.5" high.
2. Delete the PrintDoc macro, which you do not need.
Delete a macro.
3. Modify the First Name and Last Name content controls as follows: a. Convert the table containing the First Name and Last Name content controls to text, separating the text with paragraph marks. b. Change the left indent of the First Name paragraph to 0.08".
Convert a table to text.
Change the paragraph indentation.
4. Copy a style from an Overby Planning Department form template, and then apply the style to a heading as follows to use consistent formatting in all department forms: a. Import the Form Heading style from the file Support_WD19_11a_Styles.dotx. b. Apply the Form Heading style to the "Registration Form" paragraph.
Copy a style.
Apply a style.
5. Create a character style for check box labels as follows: a. Use Check Box as the name of the new style. b. Specify that you are creating a character style. c. Base the new style on the Default Paragraph Font. d. Change the font color of the new style to Dark Teal, Text 2 (4th column, 1st row in the Theme Colors palette).
Create a character style.
6. Apply the Check Box character style to the five check box labels "Bicycle lanes", "Parking", "Traffic safety", "Transit", and "Other (please specify):".
Apply a character style.
Apply a character style.
Apply a character style.
Apply a character style.
Apply a character style.
7. Format the department logo in the upper-right corner of the document as follows to make the picture more striking: a. Apply a color saturation of 200%. b. Apply a color tone temperature of 8800 K. c. Compress the picture using the E-mail (96 ppi) compression setting to reduce the file size so that you can share the form with others via email.
Change the color saturation of a picture.
Change the color temperature of a picture.
Compress a picture.
8. Position and group the department logo and the "Overby" rectangle as follows to clarify that they belong together: a. Position the department logo picture in the Top Right with Square Text Wrapping. b. Group the department logo picture and the "Overby" rectangle.
Position and group a picture.
The department logo picture should be formatted using the Top Right with Square Text Wrapping position and then grouped with the "Overby" rectangle shape.
9. Format the text box containing the text "Sign up today!" as follows to incorporate it into the form: a. Change the direction of the text to Rotate all text 270°. b. Remove the outline and the fill of the text box shape. c. Apply the Isometric Bottom Down 3-D rotation effect. d. Set an absolute horizontal position of 0" to the right of the Margin and an absolute vertical position of 3.75" below the Margin.
Rotate text in a shape.
Remove a shape outline.
Remove a shape fill color.
Apply a 3-D rotation effect to a shape.
Position a picture.
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