Shelly Cashman Word 2019 | Module 10: SAM Project 1a

Shelly Cashman Word 2019 | Module 10: SAM Project 1a #shellycashman #module10 #samproject1a
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1. You are an executive assistant at iCare Insurance, a company providing auto, health, homeowners, and life insurance to customers across the United States. You are developing a survey to send to customers via email, and plan to ask them to fill in the survey and then return it to you the same way. You need to complete the survey as an online form in a Word document. Change the paper size to A5 (5.83 x 8.27 inches) so that customers do not need to scroll when completing the form online.
Change the paper size.
2. Change the page color to Tan, Accent 4, Lighter 80% to make the form more attractive.
Change the page color.
3. Add a content control for entering a first name as follows: a. In the first cell of row 1, insert a Plain Text content control after the "First Name:" text. b. In Design mode, edit the placeholder text so that it appears as follows: Click here to type your first name. c. Format the new content control using the Strong style. d. Lock the content control so that it cannot be deleted.
Add a Plain Text content control.
Edit content control placeholder text.
Format content control placeholder text with a style.
Lock a content control.
4. Add a content control for selecting an insurance policy type as follows: a. In the first cell of row 3, insert a Check Box content control to the left of the space. b. Change the properties of the check box to use Auto as the tag. c. Choose a setting so that no border is displayed around the check box. d. After the space, enter Auto as the label for the check box.
Insert a Check Box content control.
Insert a tag for a content control.
Change the "Show as" setting for a Check Box content control.
Format content control contents.
5. Add a content control for specifying another type of insurance as follows: a. After the text "Other (please specify):" in row 4, insert a Rich Text content control. b. In Design mode, edit the placeholder text so that it appears as follows: Click here to list other policy types.
Insert a Rich Text content control.
Edit content control placeholder text.
6. Add a content control for selecting a satisfaction rating as follows: a. After the text "Overall, how satisfied are you with iCare Insurance?", insert a Drop-Down List content control. b. Do not allow the drop-down list content to be edited. c. Remove the "Choose an item." entry. d. Add the following three choices for the drop-down list: Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied Not satisfied
Insert a Drop-Down List content control.
Lock a content control.
After the text "Overall, how satisfied are you with iCare Insurance?", the Drop-Down List content control should be locked so that it cannot be deleted by a user.
Specify the choices shown in a content control.
7. Add a content control for indicating whether the customer would recommend the company as follows: a. After the text "Would you recommend iCare Insurance to your friends and family?", insert another Drop-Down List content control. b. Do not allow the drop-down list content to be edited. c. Remove the "Choose an item." entry. d. Add the following four choices for the combo box: Definitely Probably Not likely Definitely not
Insert a Drop-Down List content control.
Restrict editing for a content control.
Specify the choices shown in a content control.
After the text "Would you recommend iCare Insurance to your friends and family?", the Drop-Down List content control should contain only the following choices: "Definitely", "Probably", "Not likely", and "Definitely not".
8. Add a content control for selecting a date as follows: a. After the text "Today's date:", insert a Date Picker content control. b. Select the date format similar to October 17, 2021. c. In Design mode, edit the placeholder text so that it appears as follows: Click here to enter a date.
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