Sharks, Sharks and more cool stuff CP June 2024

Finally the wreck dive at Cabo Pulmo National Park was open for dives. We dropped over the side and below us was a large school of fish with a bull shark slowly cruising through so we knew it would be a great dive. We settled into the sand and immediately the parade of sharks began. This video is a bit longer than most of mine but there was just too much footage from the day to edit it shorter. Throughout the 45 minutes of this dive we watched the bull sharks glide past us while huge schools of fish carelessly swam by so it obviously wasn't feeding time. This wreck serves as a cleaning station for the area so predators and prey share this area and it's a treat to enjoy the show. Even some large amber jacks came into the wreck for a quick service. During this and the next dive we saw several moray eels, a couple varieties of rays, triggerfish, snappers, groupers, etc. We even came upon a turtle nestling into the reef for a nap. There is so much marine life to enjoy at Cabo Pulmo National Park, BCS, MX. If you'd like to see it for yourself just reach out to me to schedule a dive or snorkel trip at
