Shaping the Fourth Industrial Revolution

As Latin America adopts Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies, what will be the role of business and government in guiding their development?
Dimensions to be addressed:
- Identifying and supporting the technologies with highest social and economic returns
- Building trust in big tech
- Partnering with technical centres and universities
This session is associated with the Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
· Fabio Coelho, Country Director, Brazil; Vice-President, Google, Brazil
· Michael Gregoire, Chief Executive Officer, CA Technologies, USA
· Marcos Jorge de Lima, Minister of Industry, Foreign Trade and Services of Brazil
· Lieneke María Schol Calle, Minister of Production of Peru
· Ngaire Woods, Dean, Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Moderated by
· Gianfranco Casati, Group Chief Executive, Growth Markets, Accenture, Singapore
