攝影院口述影像專場映後討論 Post-Screening Discussion, Audio Described Session, Photography Cinema

Partnering with Audio Description Association Hong Kong, HKIPF presented on 22 Nov 2021 our first audio description event: a double film screening followed by a discussion and Q&A session.
During the discussion, Dr Dawning Leung of the Audio Description Association (Hong Kong) and Kin and Sophi from Sightfeeling, a social enterprise formed by a group of youngsters and visually impaired photography lovers, explored audio-descriptions as alternative ways to take in a piece of work. Whether by opening our eyes and seeing, or closing our eyes and listening, from the perspectives of audio-describers and the audience, we look into how the medium can reveal new ways of understanding, interpreting and being.
於映後討論環節中,香港口述影像協會創辦人梁凱程博士,及嘉賓講者社企「盲蹤踪」成員Kin及 Sophi,一起討論口述影像如何作為另類影像創作及觀賞選項--無論睜著眼睛看,或閉著眼睛聽,我們可隨著不一樣感受狀態,進入不一樣的經驗世界。
作品 The Works
陳巧真 Chan Hau Chun《一板間 Cubicle》
張乾琦 Chien-Chi Chang《唐人街 China Town》
Details 詳情:hkipf.org.hk/.../audio-descri...
This event is sponsored by the Sham Shui Po District Council.
支持屬於香港的影像 支持香港國際攝影節
捐款香港國際攝影節港幣五百元或以上,可獲贈《二〇二〇香港國際攝影節展覽選集》選集乙本。此結集嘗試誌念那段腥風血雨的歲月,所選的二十個本地創作單位,各以影像展示與這片土地的感情連結,為自由靈魂的追尋。當中有走在最前線的新聞工作者,以幽默角度展示社運的另一面;亦有已經身陷鐵窗後、只能以靠書信與外面聯繫的,以影像訴說對香港的關切。當前香港「緊急狀態」尚未完結,讓我們繼續彼此扶持,謹守崗位。認捐請至 👉🏻 stall.hkipf.org.hk/
Support Hong Kong Photography, Support HKIPF
As an independent non-profit, the Festival believe in the freedom of expression and the sharing of knowledge. Support our work and help facilitate the growth of the arts by making a donation to the Hong Kong International Photo Festival. Your contribution will go towards our operation, future programmes and keeping our events accessible. Donations of or above HKD500 will receive a free copy of HKIPF 2020 Exhibition Compilation. The book features 20 selected local exhibitions with reflections on life and challenges under a ‘state of exception’ that is Hong Kong since 2019. Head to stall.hkipf.org.hk/ for more.
Subscribe to HKIPF: bit.ly/3lgO1xc
Follow HKIPF
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• Facebook: / hkipf.hkpca
• Website: hkipf.org.hk
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