世界のしょうない音楽祭~青少年のためのバリバリ管弦楽入門(野村誠作曲) Makoto NOMURA "The Young Person's Guide to Bali Bali Orchestra"

ナレーションと演奏による導入~イギリスの作曲家ブリテンに捧げる3拍子の音楽~西洋の弦楽器の響きを味わう中間部~バリの音階にのって、大阪を歌いあげるフィナーレ という構成です。
This is the video of "The Young Person's Guide to Bali Bali Orchestra" or one of the creative participate programmes of our orchestra, Japan Century Symphony Orchestra (JCSO).
This orchestral work has been created through a series of six times interactive workshops among amateur participants, professional musicians from JCSO and Osaka Music Collage, and Nomura Makoto, a composer/pianist and is being performed by a completely new orchestra, in 21st Century, consisting of various musical instruments from western classical music, and Japanese and Asian traditional music even to little ones that you could find in a toy box. Almost all amateur participants had tried to play each instrument first time just for this programme and some of them had never been seen before.
The Work is composed of 4 sections: introduction with instrumental demonstrations and narrations, three-beat music dedicated to B.Britten, a British composer, midsection to enjoy sound by western strings, which even include viol family! besides major modern orchestral strings, and the gloriously sung finale to Osaka, the name of our area, on Balinese scale. Huge work! that takes 20 min.
I'd like everyone of you to give any feedback comments and share it!

