Sexual Harassment in the work place. Ask the Expert

Sexual harassment at work
Sexual harassment at work is one of the most common forms of harassment and is specifically outlawed by the Equality Act 2010.
Employment Tribunal claims can be made by men or women, job applicants, employees, and apprentices.
These situations are never easy and can be a very tricky and difficult as victims of the sexual harassment are often in a position of vulnerability, and afraid of damaging or putting their career prospects at risk if they take steps to protect themselves.
Unlike direct discrimination, harassment claims do not require any comparator - in other words, it is not necessary for you to show that another person was, or would have been, treated more favourably than you.
The 3 different types of sexual harassment claims at work
1. Unwanted conduct of a sexual nature, which has the purpose or effect of violating your dignity or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment. This would include inappropriate touching, sexual innuendos, persistent requests for dates, leering and suggestive gestures, invasion of your personal space, and sexually explicit jokes.
2. Where you either reject sexual advances, or accept them, but you are subsequently treated less favourably by the person who has harassed you. Examples of such less favourable treatment include, intentionally blocking your promotion or training opportunities (because the unwelcome sexual advances are turned down), and derogatory comments or unwarranted criticisms that are made as a result of refusing to go out with the person who is harassing you (or is a friend of the harasser).
3. Sex-related harassment, where there is unwanted conduct of a sexual nature which relates to your gender, which again, has the purpose or effect of violating your dignity or creating an unpleasant environment. For example, this would include hostile comments about childcare arrangements (if you are a female) and you have to constantly leave work early to care for your young children.
Expert employment advocate Mark Ferron explains and answers some questions on sexual harassment at work.
I'm Mark Ferron Managing Director of Castle Associates, what should you do if you think you are being sexually harassed at work?
So what sort of behaviour counts as sexual harassment at work? And what should you do if you think this is happening to you?
So first of all what is sexual harassment of work? Put simply sexual harassment is unwanted behaviour of a sexual nature. Now this harassment can be verbal, non-verbal and may make you feel intimidated or uncomfortable and you do not need to have objected to a person's behaviour for it to be considered unwanted.
It can include sexual comments or jokes, in person or via email, inappropriate touching such as pinching or patting or even hugging, unwelcome sexual advances or other forms of sexual assault. Staring in a sexually suggestive manner or wolf whistling, displaying images of a sexual nature and being treated less favourably as a result of rejecting someone's advances.
The important point I would like to say is keep a diary, recording the events of the harassment, when it has happened, who was there and what was said, keep copies of any emails, information or evidence that will support what your experience or going through.
What actions can you take? Anyone who's experienced sexual harassment in the workplace is protected by the Equality Act 2010 and in some cases telling someone that their behaviour is making you feel uncomfortable may be enough to stop it or even confiding in a work colleague it can also help you ask them to have a quiet word for you for help decide what you're going to do or just provide you the additional support. And if that doesn't stop following a quiet word you can tell your manager, putting it in writing and keeping a record, which in effect is raising a grievance and this can be dealt with formally or informally and that is your choice. And this is where the evidence that you've collected really helps.
Speaking to your HR department or trade union rep they can offer a
further advice and support and you can stay anonymous if you choose to. If none of these actions work then your last option is to make a claim at an employment tribunal but before you do this we do need to take some legal advice.
If you need some advice please do not hesitate to contact us it's completely free and it's in total confidence so thanks for watching
if you have any ideas or thoughts or top tips please leave your comments below if you haven't subscribed already so what are you waiting for we provide new videos every week so thank you for watching
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  • @Nachos11
    @Nachos116 жыл бұрын

    Also contact ACAS

  • @CastleAssociatesWestBridgford


    6 жыл бұрын

    We agree ACAS provide great advice

  • @sammeredith459
    @sammeredith4596 жыл бұрын

    My brother Gets harassment at his work placement in a public area as a street cleaner occasionally from his Ex girlfriend. She started talking to shop owners about his sex life including the size of his manhood . My brother felt degraded and humiliated because Shop owners shouted out sexual words to him while he was working. She just walked out of the shop while this was happening and walked out of the shop with a smug face towards my brother while she was enjoying the humiliation he was getting from the shop owners. My brother tried to move out of the area but he was entrapped my members of the public and the schoolgirls started walking towards him that was preventing him to get out of the situation . He tried to get help from his employer . He got no help from them at all . He has to put up with her when she passes through the street giving him problems whenever she likes . She is getting away with everything . She just come's and go whenever she likes . My brother now gets no support or sympathy from one of his parents . My brother needs help as he gets very angry and alone now because the way he is being treated by his ex when she comes into his workplace environment . The shop owners defend her not my brother as he is the victim of harassment . he keeps calling his employer but they tell him to ignore her . He dose what they told him but she follows him around the area where he cleans . This happens on and off for quite some time . The problem is everyone believe's what she is saying and they are defending her as they do not believe how she is treated him . Most of the old folk and neighbors knows she is bad news even though they wont come forward as she will start a fight with them . My brother told me she has different multi-pal personalty disorder as she goes a bit funny in the head and claims she was given dyslexia by injection at hospital from a doctor and she claimed that she was abused by her farther and her last twenty boyfriends she had raped and abused her. She also claims she has over 40 abortions . She accused my brother raping her on his birthday , that i knew was very suspicious because his mum and Nan had taken my brother on hoilday to Brussels two days before his birthday for a week . She was very well known from Essex Police as she was cault for stealing also fighting when she was a kid with a ASBO. It goes on and on . She has to be dealt with seriously. I'm worried what she will do to him next time as his older sister i just want to really sort her out myself She is getting out of control . He could lose his job because of her Harassing My brother .

  • @CastleAssociatesWestBridgford


    6 жыл бұрын

    Hi Sam, Thank you for your message and it sounds like your brother is having a very difficult time, his employer will need to look at what they can do to support him and he may have to raise a grievance to get this looked at formally. He should also speak to the police and make a formal complaint and they should also look at this has harassment. Maybe you should ask him to give us a call and we could look at some options, 0800 028 4551