Save Surrey's Nature

Help us to Save Surrey’s Nature
We're on a mission to raise £1 million to restore, connect and protect Surrey’s habitats.
Surrey has always been beautiful, diverse and brimming with life, boasting one of the highest numbers of recorded non-marine species in the country. But we are losing our precious wildlife and wild places, impacting our quality of life, health, and resilience against climate change.
According to the 2023 State of Nature report, native species have declined by an average of 19% since 1970, with one in six species at risk of being lost from United Kingdom. Shockingly, one-third of Surrey's species, including Hedgehogs, Yellowhammers, European Eels, Lesser Spotted Woodpeckers, Harvest Mice, Hazel Dormice and Wrynecks are in serious decline or already extinct. If we allow this trend to continue, many of these species could soon disappear entirely.
It's not in our nature to stand idly by. Surrey Wildlife Trust has a long-term plan to conserve more habitats for wildlife, expand and connect Surrey’s wild places, and engage more people in the natural world and its benefits. But we can't do it alone. Every one of us depends on a healthy natural world, and it’s imperative that we all play our part. So please, help us raise £1 million to Save Surrey’s Nature. Nature is sending an SOS - will you answer the call?
