RV4-V2 | Lunar-1 | RECAP


On June 17th, at 2:38 pm CDT. The legendary Booster-3 (from V1 days) and Lander-1 lifted off in hopes of reaching lunar orbit. This flight utilized upgraded RV4 engines, as well as new programs for the actuation of the grid fins.
During flight, several engines were lost on the Booster, lowering the propulsion capability; thus making the Moon goal unreachable. We continued the flight nonetheless, wanting to see what it could reach before destruction. The booster reached a later Max-Q, early BECO, and an early stage seperation.
The booster was left with 2 engines of 3 in the center ring used for the boostback flip and relight, thrusters barely managed to hold the pitch within safe parameters. The booster relit all 10 engines, and managed to successfully relight the remaining center engine. During the boostback, several engines of the ring of 10 started to fail, shutting down. The problematic center engine failed explosively, causing a loss of control until the remaining engines brought it back to it's boostback target.
The trajectory was significantly out of safe parameters, but remained in the authorized hazard zones, during the entry burn, said shutdown and failing engines relit successfully, but still underperformed.
The grid fins were unable to stabilize the vehicle as it lost 2 thrusters, the vehicle lost control and slammed into the ocean; ending Booster-3's legendary career.
The upperstage also lost 2 engines, and was subsequently terminated.
Due to this unexpected and major failure, we are reviewing the current lander design. We will proceed with usual flights with the standard upperstage.
Next up: Orbital Flight 4

