Run the Rack Curls


Run the Rack Curls is a great way to really challenge yourself either during a workout or right at the end as a finisher. Either way, it’s tough, it will challenge you, it will give you one heck of a pump, and your biceps will be completely smoked when it’s over. Start with light dumbbells, like 10lb dumbbells and do a total of 10 to 12 total reps (5 to 6 reps on each arm), be sure you supinate your wrists to emphasize the biceps peak as much as possible. You’re going to go up the rack incrementally 5lbs at a time until you reach your max, which can be as much as 50lb dumbbells for some of you, while other it may be 30lb dumbbells. As you get to the heavier dumbbells your form is going to wane a little, which is okay so long as you’re not risking injury and you’re not too far from good form. After you’ve reached the top of the rack, don’t rest, and start heading back down the rack doing the same exact number of reps and dropping in 5lb increments as well until you’re back at the 10lb dumbbells. It’s a killer, and if you’re feeling strong, do 2 rounds!
For more check out to see the full 10-week nutrition and training plan.

