Rotary Sri Lanka Responds to Covid 19 Pandemic with LKR 120M Project

Rotary Sri Lanka has always supported humanity in times of crisis with no exception to current biggest global crisis - Covid-19 pandemic.
Rotary has installed at MRI a fully-automated Nucleic Acid Extraction and PCR System first of its kind in Sri Lanka. The new system will enable MRI to carry out tests speedily, safely, consistently and accurately. It is far superior to manual testing, which carries a high-risk of exposure, among other limitations. The rest of the equipment supporting apparatus includes Test Kits PCR Reagents, Autoclaves, Safety Bio Cabinets, point of care fully automatic Biochemistry Analyzer, Centrifuge and 6 Part Haematological Analyzer with CRP.
The funds were raised through contributions from the Rotary family, well-wishers and generous sponsors including reputed corporates Dilmah Ceylon Tea Company PLC, Carson Cumberbatch PLC, LBR Foundation, National Development Bank PLC, Cambio Software Engineering Pvt Ltd., Ascentic Pvt Ltd. Mirchandani Foundation and Association of Professional Bankers Sri Lanka.
The Special Task Force spearheaded by Past Rotary International President KR Ravindran together with District Governor 2019-20 Sebastian Karunakaran and Rotary officials, handed over LKR 120 Million worth project to His Excellency Gotabaya Rajapakse at the Presidential Secretariat on 1st-July 2020.
President Rajapaksa expressed his gratitude to Rotary Sri Lanka, well-wishers and donors for their donation. “It is significant that this new equipment will help to mitigate human resource shortage in conducting medical testing. It has the ability to identify different kinds of viruses that may emerge in the future, as well,” the statement added from President’s Media Division.
