Root chakra 396 Hz w water stream & light rain

Root chakra - 396 Hz
The root chakra, or Muladhara, is located at the base of your spine. It provides you with a base or foundation for life, and it helps you feel grounded and able to withstand challenges. Your root chakra is responsible for your sense of security and stability.
This energy center is associated with your sense of security, family relationships and your feeling of home. When energy is flowing through the first chakra, you feel firmly grounded in yourself and the world around you.
The root chakra becomes blocked when our thoughts and feelings either conflict with or withdraw from our physical reality, and we don't realign ourselves. Symptoms of a root chakra blockage can include various mental signs such as anxiety disorders, lethargy, and eating disorders.
Walking in nature and gardening are good ways to unblock the root chakra. Similarly, Connecting with your physical body through yoga, Pilates, or dance, or by getting outside for a run or hike.
Healing Crystals for the Base Chakra. You can place the crystals nearby to your root chakra or feet area. Use them while meditating or resting.
* 1) Garnet. A thousand pomegranate shades sit at the striking red heart of the gorgeous Garnet stone.
* 2) Hematite
* 3) Black Obsidian
* 4) Red Jasper
* 5) Bloodstone
* 6) Carnelian
* 7) Black Tourmaline
* 8) Tiger's Eye
* 9) Smokey Quartz
* 10) Black Onyx
* 11) Moss Agate

