Romantic Montage - Life is Sweet

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„It isn't the big troubles in life that require character.
Anybody can rise to a crisis and face a crushing tragedy with courage,
but to meet the petty hazards of the day with a laugh -- I really think that requires spirit."
I thought, making this video would somehow help me to cope with her death. I thought, if I would do this video then the same thing would happen that normally happens to me: I think and think and think about the movies and especially the lyrics, I even „build up" a relation to the lyrics... But, and that is strange, this phase never occured when I was editing this video. I imagined it to be some kind of healing... but I guess it was just school and family problems that kept me from thinking about it too much. My idea of this video was to slowly build it up, let more and more people find access to the video and make it bigger and brighter. I got quite frustrated in the end. It didn't turn out as I had hoped for. I don't know what I exactly expected, but surely something else! I had no real free time to actually choose from the movies, I just took the ones I saw first and built up the story with them.
Some days ago I really thought I should not upload this video. It is nothing special. It wouldn't do her any justice. My thoughts were somewhere else completely. I was not honest with myself. And i did not have this „high" feeling I usually get when I finish a video. I was indifferent to it. So many other things to do on my list. I hope this little comment will make you have some mercy with me. Please, believe me, I can do better! And I wish this video would be better, be a statement. But sadly it isn't... Maybe someday I will redo it. I don't know yet. Right now, all i can think about are my exams. And I wish I could think more about my piano teacher. I miss her so much. And I really am somehow ashamed of this video, it is not a worthy tribute to her...
Oh, and as for the yellow coloring in the end: I don't like it:) I'm so sorry. I only tried it but then it stayed that way and I couldn't redo it. Strange... but the program did not remove it... I hope it is not too crazy!

Пікірлер: 24

  • @GHJasamfan
    @GHJasamfan13 жыл бұрын

    This is so lovely. The beauty and pain attached to have shown that so beautifully here. What a wonderful reminder to grab hold of the love we have in our lives. Perfect song choice and you edited to the lyric brilliantly.

  • @vampires18
    @vampires1813 жыл бұрын

    I love it. I came for the song but stayed for the video.

  • @sallyannerenee
    @sallyannerenee13 жыл бұрын

    Very beautiful! And I like the yellow at the end........ it seems to say that there's light and hope after all the trouble........ And it is MUCH better than you think, very emotional.....

  • @sionsidhe9
    @sionsidhe913 жыл бұрын

    I remember when we talked about you using this song instead of Ophelia I thought it was a good choice, I was wrong it was an excellent choice One thing I have always loved about your videos is how you match not just the lyrics but the emotions of the song so perfectly to the scenes how you take such a variety of different movies and different women and tie them together here you brought all these different characters together under one theme, despite the deep sorrows of life there is still joy

  • @EzekielJazz
    @EzekielJazz11 жыл бұрын

    I think you've done a lovely job with the video, all the moods of the film clips match the moods of the particular moments of the song (at least they do in my head while I'm watching it!). It's good that you are so self critical of the video as it shows that you are putting a lot into it. I get the feeling that you would never actually be happy with it, no matter how good it was, which is so refreshing when you see the amount of terrible videos which have had no thought or effort put into them.

  • @Jurisrachel


    5 жыл бұрын

    Hear, hear!

  • @majtris
    @majtris13 жыл бұрын

    Oh Sarah! Du hast mich wirklich zum Weinen gebracht! Was für ein wunderschönes Video! Ich liebe Natalie Merchant! Und die Szene wenn Cecilia und James McAvoy am Strand sind, was ja nur in der Phantasie passiert, in echt haben sie sich nie wieder gesehen! Und dieses wunderschöne Video hast Du Deiner Klavierlehrerin gewidmet! Herzzerreißend schön!!! Sie muss ein besonderer Mensch gewesen sein um von einem so besonderem Menschen wie Dir so geliebt zu werden !

  • @lotjeknorrepotje
    @lotjeknorrepotje13 жыл бұрын

    Hello sweetheart. I read your description and let me first say: thanks for your honesty and thank you for sharing that quote at the start. I really like it, it is a very true and great quote. I actually really like this video because it touched me. I love how you've used so many father/mother clips (you always prove me wrong when I think that it would be difficult to find the right clips for the lyrics :p) and I like your clever use of "good moments".

  • @thamiCappuccino
    @thamiCappuccino13 жыл бұрын

    This might not be "perfect" the way you wanted it to be, but the important thing is that you made it and posted it anyway. (It'd be a shame if it remained unused inside a computer) It is a wonderful video montage and it's great that it's here for people to watch. And the gesture remains strong, a sweet tribute to a loved one lost.

  • @ruba1029
    @ruba102913 жыл бұрын

    are you kidding me ? this video is really good i actually liked it a lot, the song fits the fandoms you used very well and i spotted French Kiss :) and i'm sorry about your music teacher.

  • @MelodyofSnow
    @MelodyofSnow11 жыл бұрын

    Thank you very much. and yes, i believe only because of self criticism can we really improfe ...

  • @lotjeknorrepotje
    @lotjeknorrepotje13 жыл бұрын

    I hope you don't mind me commenting 3 times, but I just have many thoughts about this video ;-). I also like the massive variety in films you used. Many different types of movies and many different scenes and you are still able to create a coherent video! I think that it is a very good video hun! But I think we may not be able to convince you, right? And I love the idea of some sort of tribute. You ought to be proud of yourself :). BIG hugs, and take care (btw, still faves for me ;-))

  • @MelodyofSnow
    @MelodyofSnow13 жыл бұрын

    @ruba1029 haha, well, i had more french kiss scenes planned (great that you rememeber btw!!) but somehow they did not really fit... thank you for your kind words:)

  • @Jurisrachel
    @Jurisrachel5 жыл бұрын

    I think this is a lovely, beautiful video, coupled with one of the most poignant songs I know. While this video may not meet your own internal standards, it's still quite good -- and it's helped other find this lush, wondrous song by Natalie Merchant, so that's something, as well. (Even though I'm a bit of a hypocrite for saying this, 'cause I've by no means mastered this, myself ...) try to be nicer to yourself. Try to be as kind to yourself as you would be to a friend -- or even a stranger. You do deserve that. We all do. So. Thanks for the bit of beauty, even if it's not as masterful as you envisioned it. :)

  • @lotjeknorrepotje
    @lotjeknorrepotje13 жыл бұрын

    The running part was the highlight of the video for me, I thought it was beautiful and very well made! :) I tried to find something I wasn't so fond of, because you aren't satisfied with it.. THe only thing I am not a big fan off are the transitions (like for example at 3:00) but they are only about 5 times in the video and you still made them fit in a great way :p. And why don't you like the yellowness? Wasn't that her favourite color or is my mind just making that up? To me it works!

  • @MelodyofSnow
    @MelodyofSnow13 жыл бұрын

    @Lotjeknorrepotje thank you my dear.

  • @MelodyofSnow
    @MelodyofSnow13 жыл бұрын

    @sallyannerenee thank you. well, i think the yellow in the end is a bit too intensive. like, emma's face looks even a bit scary, doesn't it? :)

  • @MelodyofSnow
    @MelodyofSnow13 жыл бұрын

    @majtris danke nathalie! danke! es hat mir so viel bedeutet, diesen wunderschönen kommentar von dir zu lesen. ich denke allerdings, dass du mit dem letzten satz etwas übertrieben hast :) danke. es freut mich, dass dir mein video gefällt!

  • @MelodyofSnow
    @MelodyofSnow13 жыл бұрын

    @Edelwyn12 thank you!!!

  • @MelodyofSnow
    @MelodyofSnow13 жыл бұрын

    @vampires18 thank you

  • @MelodyofSnow
    @MelodyofSnow12 жыл бұрын

    @PinkTitanium I am sorry, I don't know. i downloaded the song from the internet.

  • @cardigan3000
    @cardigan300011 жыл бұрын

    live version

  • @MelodyofSnow
    @MelodyofSnow13 жыл бұрын

    @beretta1342000 thanks

  • @ElohAraphel
    @ElohAraphel12 жыл бұрын

    which album is this version from? it's not from Ophelia