RMA Master - Easy Product Return Manager | Prestashop Module

With our flexible PrestaShop RMA module, shop operations can make product returns handling less expensive and time-consuming. To boost client lifetime value, create value for customers by making the process visible and consistent.
Setting Up Return Policies:
Define clear return policies, outlining terms and conditions for successful returns. Specify the timeframe within which customers can expect refunds, credits, or replacements.
Manage Return Policy Order Status:
Admin can enable/disable settings to select specific order statuses to which the return policy will apply.
Capture Reasons for Return:
Offer predefined return reasons in the return form for customers to select, aiding in easy categorization and understanding of customer concerns.
Image Upload for Defect Identification:
Customers can upload product images, providing visual details of the issue, and aiding merchants in understanding the problem accurately.
Pending Returns Management:
View and manage pending return requests, granting admin the ability to approve or deny returns, along with checking return reasons and counts.
Active Returns Management:
Track approved returns, with options to manage return statuses, view return history, and mark return processes as complete.
Completed Returns Archive:
Access completed returns in the Archives List, filter data by specified periods, and review return and cancellation request counts.
Return Status Notifications:
Inform customers about return status updates at various intervals, ensuring they are aware of return progress.
Customizable email Notifications:
Utilize pre-built email templates or customize content for various return stages. Test email templates before deployment.
Customer Query Submission:
Enable customers to raise queries related to product returns via a ticket submission system.
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Contact us for any inquiries or developments:
Gmail: prestaworld12@gmail.com
Skype: prestaworld12@gmail.com
