Restoration After Porn Relapse (with Rocky Pisor)

How do you pursue restoration after a relapse, especially in marriage or ministry leadership? Rocky Pisor tells his own story of processing a porn relapse after 17 years of sobriety. You'll learn how to notice the warning signs of impending relapse, and how to respond to relapse with curiosity and compassion rather than punishing yourself or pretending like everything is fine. There is wisdom in this episode!
Rocky Pisor is a Certified Husband Material Coach, Sex Addiction Mentor, Trauma-Informed Facilitator, and Pastoral Counselor who has worked through his own story of freedom from sex addiction. Learn more at
Read Rocky's free resource: How to Process a Lapse/Relapse -
Schedule a free, no-obligation personal chat with Rocky:
Email Rocky at

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  • @osmarjr1070

    I backslid so many times, really so many times, after repenting so many times, that i feel condemned, ashamed before god and before people.