RESILIENCE: Why We Need It - 4 tips

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Here are four ways to build some up, and all of them involve finding peace in yourself.
1. Always look on the bright side
This is a key, underlining aspect to it all.
It makes a lot of sense, because, for example, if someone were to react to a stressful event by thinking it was the worst thing in the world, it will seem as such. But were they to somehow remain positive, to see the silver lining in it, then it will seem less overwhelming, and as such, they will be more resilient. So it is important to remain positive about the past, present, and future. Another example of looking on a bright side would be a salesperson losing a client. They could either look at this as a troubling event or as something that is only temporary.
In the end, losing one client, even a large one, is not the end of the world.
Staying flexible and having some perspective, can help you realize that there are millions of clients for you to attract.
You can find an interesting video regarding "The Power of Positive Thinking" in the link below.
2. Stay connected with someone supportive
One unifying factor of the most resilient children is that they had a support structure. They had parents, guardians, or a teacher that had their back.
All you need is someone who wants to see you succeed and is willing to help you do so. To children, it can be a parent, guardian, or teacher. But for you, having a group of good friends is just as effective.
So, talk to someone you love and trust. Have a meaningful and honest conversation. Keep your social network close.
Maintain a group of friends, family members and neighbors whom you can talk to. You want people in your life that create conversation beyond the small talk, like exchanging ideas, thoughts, concerns and practical matters, and who will also help or encourage you to do the same.
The size of your social group doesn’t matter so much as the level of mutual caring among its members - you are important to them, and they are important to you.
3. Do good to make people feel good
Have you ever noticed that when you do good you feel happier?
Plus, when you are engaged in bad behavior, you feel kind of lousy?
Researchers have discovered that the more people do acts of altruism, the higher they raise their self-esteem.
And thereby the higher they also raise their happiness.
Studies have shown that doing good increases the production of Serotonin, a neurotransmitter that regulates mood, in the body.
Low levels of serotonin are often found in people suffering from depression. So, doing good makes you feel good.
Doing good can also help put things in perspective if you are faced with people who are suffering tougher challenges in their lives.
Some have also suggested making an effort to note when kindness is done to you, perhaps by creating a gratitude journal or blog.
People are more likely to remember when they have been mistreated, so having a reminder of the many times you have been treated well may help cancel out negativity. You can find an interesting video regarding "How to Practice Gratitude" in the link below.
4. Take good care of yourself
With this, I don’t just mean keeping active and eating well but paying attention to your mind. Take some time off to recharge. Unplug the electronic devices and give yourself a moment to rest and reflect.
Take some deep breaths. Breathing deeply is very healing and cleansing.
Stress can accumulate, which by extension can have a lasting impact on your mood and make you react severely to stressful situations, ultimately exacerbating them. A setback you might easily be able to take might knock you down if you already have a lot of stress in your life.
To counter the effects of this cumulative stress, you should make sure you’re getting plenty of sleep and rest. Even when you are just relaxing, parts of your brain are working on overdrive, especially when stressed.
Rest and sleep can counteract this. You can find an interesting video regarding "How to Reduce Stress" in the link below.
#Resilience #BeDifferent
