Researcher and Writer of 20yrs Jessica Valenti describes the Anti Abortion Rhetoric As Cruel Part 1


For 20 years researcher and author Jessica Valenti has researched and studied Anti Abortion Rhetoric describing it as a crime against humanity to deny women of safe and legal healthcare, she will describe the rhetoric in full detail to inform you that Pregnancy Crisis Centers are not medically licensed to care for your needs, and describes that one Pregnancy Crisis Center lied to a woman who had an ectopic pregnancy and nearly died due to her fallopian tube burst, as well describe a woman was told by her doctor to birth a fetus with no head. Victims of almost dying from bans on abortion send her information of their experiences that EXCEPTIONS that Republicans say there is Exceptions is indeed false, because doctors are too afraid to treat women who are actively dying.
2 women had to have complete hysterectomies due to them going into sepsis.
She also describes cruel and inhumane Maternity Homes are returning to America which is being funded by Republicans.
learn more at her newsletter at....
Abortion and sign up for news about women who are actively crashing during pregnancy are being denied care.
I'll do more compilations in the future.

