Resaw Cuts 2024

Resawed 17 Red Oak four foot long logs Some of them had to be ripped in half so I could move them. This is a bunch of resawing of these logs into mainly 1" x 7" wide by 47" long boards. The 1/4 table and 1/4 inch floor underlayment with a top piece of half inch plywood with 40 bearing holes cut into it makes the table. On the sides is 3/4 plywood that keeps the sled in position. Over 200 logs have been cut using this table. I keep tweaking the sled and winch and controls to make it easier to use. I started out using the miter slot some 18 years ago. It didn't take me long to move up to the 28" wide table and the 54 inch sled. Red Oak is heavy and a 4' long 12" log is really heavy. I use hydraulic pump tables to get the logs up on the table. Winch pulls the logs through and weights pull the sled and log back to start.
