Republican Threats To Democracy Continue. (07/20/2022)

It's pretty clear that the Republican Party does not support Democracy, nor do they believe in free and fair elections. You simply cannot believe in Democracy and support the current Republican Party.
This is what we saw in Russia just a few years after Putin was elected. This is what we saw in Germany in the early 1930's. This is how fascism starts.
Neither the right nor the left are inherently, "The bad guys." What has changed is how far the Republican Party is now willing to go in order to win. They are now willing win at ANY cost - even if that cost is the loss of Democracy and freedom.
#January6 #January6th #BigLie #TheBigLie #Insurrection #Coup #Sedition #Treason #DonaldTrump #Trump #Maga #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Republican #Republicans #GOP #Democracy #CivilWar #Facism #Authoritarianism #Authoritarian

