🛀🛀🛀 Relax Sleep Sound 🎶🎶🎶The sound of the Hot Spring in the winter🛀🛀🛀

#放鬆睡眠音樂 - 大自然號角
#Relax Sleep Sound - Hone of Nature
Relax Sleep Sound 🎶🎶🎶The sound of the Hot Spring in the winter🛀🛀🛀
Before listening to the sound, please learn the knowledge of earth science:
*Hot Spring* refers to hot water containing various minerals or gases in nature. This hot water usually flows from the Earth's interior and is usually hotter than the surrounding environment. Hot springs form because groundwater is heated by heat from within the Earth's crust, or because rocks below the ground contain radioactive material that warms the groundwater with heat from its decay.
**Benefits of soaking in hot springs**:
1. **Relaxing and Stress Relief**: The warmth and buoyancy of hot spring water can help relax muscles, lower stress and help boost your mental state.
2. **Improve sleep**: Hot baths can help people relax and lower the body's internal temperature, thereby improving sleep quality.
3. **Relieve muscle and joint pain**: The heat and minerals of hot spring water can help soothe joint and muscle pain. For those suffering from arthritis or muscle pain, soaking in hot springs may help.
4. **Detoxifies and cleanses the skin**: Minerals in the hot spring help to flush out toxins from the body, while also helping to cleanse the skin, leaving it smoother and healthier.
5. **Provide minerals**: Hot spring water usually contains various minerals (such as sulfur, calcium, magnesium, etc.), which can be absorbed through the skin and are beneficial to the health of the body.
However, while soaking in hot springs has many potential benefits, soaking in hot springs isn't for everyone. For example, some people may be allergic to certain minerals in hot spring water, or have certain medical conditions (such as high blood pressure, heart disease, etc.) that may not be suitable for soaking in hot water. So if you're considering soaking in a hot spring, it's best to consult your doctor first.
If you like the Hot Spring, then you must like the sound of hot spring in the winter created by me. This sound will help you relieve stress and improve your sleep quality. Now please close your eyes, listen carefully to the sounds of nature, and imagine yourself soaking in hot springs in winter

