Reiki to release unhealthy connections and seal energy leaks


Here's a Reiki session to release unhealthy connections to the noun (person, place, or thing) or experience of your choosing, and to seal any leaks in your energy that allow such connections to happen (e.g., poor boundaries, fear of failure, fear of rejection, etc). For more information on this session, please read below.
For connections that can grow, this means freeing yourself from any desires to interact with them in an unhealthy manner. For connections that must go, this means gaining clarity on how to show up for yourself differently, empowering you to release them with love (which keeps them from feeding on your inner conflict/resentment). There's also a bit of grounding energy at the end, to help you stabilize and integrate what you've received.
To receive this energy, take a moment to think about who or what you intend to release. Then, relax and let it flow to you. Depending on your current state of being and sensitivity to energy, it can take several minutes before you start to notice any effects. Depending on the connection that you are releasing, you may want to revisit this session as part of your meditative practice, or whenever you feel overwhelmed by whoever or whatever you are trying to release.
If you would like to take a look at the Reiki sessions that I currently have available, you can go here:
If you would like to take a look at the other services that I offer, you can go here:
(backing audio is provided courtesy of

